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About Us

fake_teamWhat We Do

Carriage Solutions is a proximity-based marketing website for trucking companies. The site was created to fill a void in the marketing sector for the trucking industry. Shipping departments will now be able to directly connect with trucking companies who are able to suit their needs most affordably and efficiently, and drivers will have access to employers who are conveniently located to them. Carriage Solutions is the simplest and most effective way for trucking companies to simultaneously advertise to drivers and shippers. We want to help your company go to market, while you focus on your daily operations.

Who We Are

Carriage Solutions is the brain-child of a third generation trucking company operator. At Carriage Solutions, we know how to serve you because we are you. We’ve risen with the sun on one horizon, and arrived in time to see it set on another. We’ve dealt with the difficulties related to finding qualified drivers, and we know the frustrations of the ever-changing DOT regulations, which seem to only negatively effect trucking companies. Because of our real world experience, we also know that this is an industry where it can be difficult to find effective and affordable marketing opportunities. We understand that when company owners and operators are focused on operation and logistics and efficiencies, sometimes marketing seems like the last priority. We want to help improve your reach by making sure that when drivers or customers are searching for transportation companies in your area, your business comes to the top of the list.