If you have questions about searching, please check out our How It Works page.

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How To Search – Drivers

You can find trucking companies nearest to you when you conduct a search with Carriage Solutions. If you have a preference to the type of work that you like to do, select the type of carrier that matches your preference.

Follow the instructions listed below:

  1. Select the State and City where you live.
  2. Select the Truck/Trailer Type that matches the type of work that you like to do.
  3. The final drop down menu is not needed to conduct a search, but is useful for drivers that prefer doing specialized work.
  4. After all of the above selected have been made, press the Submit button to find the carrier nearest to you.
  5. Some carriers have selected an advertisement to display driver’s wages and benefits. To view this information, click the Driver’s Section icon on the ads with this feature.

Tip: Carriage Solutions is also helpful when looking to relocate to another city.

Follow this link to learn how to search, if you’re a shipper.